Guest book
Zojuist plofte op de deurmat het pakketje van Helga met daarin de nieuwe BAO en Helen Sjoholm, en een oudje van Thomas Ledin. Nog steeds spannend al die Abbarelated muziek: 'O klang och jubeltid' geeft ook weer diezelfde siddering. Nog niet gekocht?Dan hier kopen want ook nog eens voordeliger dan elders.
En Helga complimenten voor de accurate afhandeling van elke bestelling en professionele verzending. In elke pakketje een kleine extra verrassing: wat een feest om hier te bestellen.
Ton Bos - NL
17 June 2011, 18:00:28
Dear Helga, I received my order today and I am very, very happy with it! Really love BAO's new cd and the city map is a nice ad to my collection! I recommend this shop to every ABBA-fan; great service, lots of different items and fast delivery, keep up the good works! Thanks!
Bonny - Nederland
17 June 2011, 12:55:11
Thanks for the superfast service in delivering the new cd of Benny Anderssons Orkester! I recommend everyone who hasn't ordered it yet to do so asap!
Gerard Hesen - Nederland
16 June 2011, 22:58:33
This is where the REALLY biggest ABBA Shop is !
Where else can you find so many CDs and DVDs plus everything you wish for if you are a real ABBA Fan ?
Oui, c'est ici que se trouve la PLUS GRANDE BOUTIQUE POUR ABBA ! Nulle part ailleurs, vous ne trouverez autant de CDs, de DVDs et d'objets pour satisfaire votre passion !
Yvon Jouandon - France
16 June 2011, 13:10:14
I order at the Fan-Club Shop since many years and I was always very satisfied. The Shop offers the latest items usually for moderate prices and a good service! I can only recommend it and hope that it will continue.
Thomas Zamath - Germany
9 June 2011, 20:18:33
I did recieved the BAOS new single and the stockholm city walk map today.So fantastic to be able to order a real cd single,when this is only available for download!!!The map is really beautiful and fun to have!
Anita and Helga have been thinking about us BAO fans also!!And always fun to get something extra in your order too...
Warm thanks for so really fantastic service!!!Im so happy about this abba shop!!!!!!
Greetings to all who buys from this shop.
marina högström - finland
6 June 2011, 22:26:34
Lieve mensen vd fanclub. Bedankt dat jullie ons in staat stellen voor het bemachtigen van dvds cds etc van onze favoriete muziek.Ga door!!
Jack Stuve - Nederland
25 May 2011, 16:34:06
As I do not have a credit card I order eveything concerning ABBA and related at ABBF-Records. I am very satisfied and the prices are not higher than anywhere else. There is a good service.
Harry Boeijen - The Netherlands
11 May 2011, 09:55:05
Dear Helga,
What can I say? As always great service! Always a message when the ordered goods can be expected! Nice extra's added! Just SUPER! Keep up the great ABBA work you do (with Anita and the others).
Liesbeth - The Netherlands
15 April 2011, 14:21:38
I just received my order back frome the fan club of a Frida Cd and the four new ABBA calendars. Thank you Helga for the fast delivery friendly and kind service.The calendars are so beauitful. There something special to treasure forever. And the Frida CD is just fantastic. Thank you aqgain.
Carissa Higham - Australia
28 February 2011, 02:30:56
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