Guest book

Hello Helga, Thanks for the fast delivery of the items I order from the fanclubshop. You are not only the fanclubshop, You are so much more for us ABBA fans. for one example, You make our dreams come true. Thanks for the tickets for Kristinaconcert in New York. I had a wonderful time meeting with Bjorn en Benny alive and the cast of the musical.It was a wonderful show.

Rene Mathot - Netherlands
26 October 2009, 07:57:00

During the years I have ordered several items from the ABBA fanclub shop. It is a marvellous way of buying ABBA or ABBA related items, as most items are not for sale in normal shops or difficult to purchase if you do not live in Sweden. Thanks Helga for making this possible for us ABBA fans and clubmembers. I just purchased the DVD ABBA in Japan and I am particularly very excited about the two rare documentaries included on this limited special edition. (since I became a big Tomas Ledin fan as well, I was very pleased to see that a small part of him singing "not bad at all" was included!). But this DVD is really a must-have for every ABBA fan, so please order this fantastic DVD from the shop!
Karin van Oevelen - The Netherlands
25 October 2009, 09:33:32

Hello Helga, Thank you so much for starting this wonderful shop many years ago. You can buy everything here of our favoriet group, solo projects and more. Thanks for the great work. I realy appreciate it! You also are very friendly to the costumers.
Amy Pikaar - the Netherlands
16 October 2009, 16:17:12

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